The 22nd GC Delegation Session was begun on the morning of August 25, 2015.
At the time the meetings began, 166 out of the 204 delegates were present and seated.
New units were accepted and certain existing units changed status:
Congo Union Mission
Zambian Union Mission
Madagascar Mission
Zimbabwe East Mission
Zimbabwe West Field
Cape Verde Mission
Liberian Mission
East African Union Mission
—Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania
Eastern Indonesian Mission
Nusa Utara Mission
Western Indonesian Mission
South Pacific Union Mission
— Samoa, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and French Polynesia, and New Caledonia
Sri Lankan Northern Mission
Sri Lankan Central Mission
Andaman and Nicobar Mission
Rwanda Union Mission
Ecuadorian Union
The temporary chairman, assistant chairman, and delegation secretary were elected:
Session Chairman: Duraisamy Sureshkumar
Assistant Session Chairman: Peter Lausevic
Session Secretary: Eli Tenorio
Once the reports of all executives, regional secretaries, permanent committees, and department directors had been delivered and accepted, the outgoing administration were called forward to the podium and together laid down their offices and responsibilities to the Session.
On Wednesday, August 26 the formation of the temporary committees will occurr and the agenda items shall be discussed.